Wednesday, April 27, 2011


how lonely can you feel when you have all the people around.

arh tak jadi nak sambung.
fuck this entry.

Monday, April 25, 2011


betul tak kalau orang tu kata dia benci seseorang, dia mesti selalu sebut or cakap pasal orang yg dia kata dia benci tu. kutuk maki bukan main.

Tanpa disedari dia telah memberi perhatian yang amat lebih terhadap orang yg dibencinya itu berbanding orang2 lain. Tak silap aku, benda yang orang panggil sebagai attention ni orang suka kan?

oh, sebab tu la ada phrase orang cakap "haters make me famous",  wow, sebenarnya kena berterima kasih dekat haters yang ada di sekeliling. :) Hahaha aku ingatkan haters ni memang teringin sangat nak tengok orang yang dibenci jatuh tersungkur. Tapi ada lagi satu phrase ni "haters make me feel motivated"
ha, benci dan kutukla lagi orang tu orang ni. #nampaksangat sebenarnya 'suka' dekat orang yang "katanya" dibenci tu.

kalau tanya aku, aku cakap, kalau benci orang tu buat taktau sudah. takpayah kutuk maki lebih2. bersederhana kan lebih baik

saja je, terpikir pasal ni.kihkih
takpayah setuju. i dont even care  :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the beauty of positivethinking

sometimes i feel UGLY. Honestly, I do sometimes feel jealous of gorgeous, pretty beautiful people with awesome outfits.
But then i think again, that is just MY opinion and views towards the word beautiful and ugly? Actually, who am I to be sure of what beautiful and ugly mean, who are beautiful and who are not.

The thing is, everybody is BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL IS SUBJECTIVE. keep that in mind.

What's the point of lookin smokin hot but yet the heart is stale and dark, right?

The   mind, thoughts, heart, personality show how beautiful you are. Anyone can look beautiful. And I can't even explain how it's indicated, precisely. It'll go back to the fact; different people, different views. It becomes harder when people only judge based on the physical and stereotype. manusia ni sangat rumit, kan? macam ni lah jadi bila semua terlampau pandai, jadi terlampau judgmental.

senang2, just focus on yourself. bring out the best personality and rock it. Semua orang ada taste masing2, give the best, be yourself, FLAUNT WHAT YOU HAVE. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. this goes to me too.

all the best!


lama gila tak update. YES. I STOPPED. WELL, IT'S MORE TO A LOOONG PAUSE.
I paused because sort of merajuk dengan Blogspot. boleh tak? but that i never stopped reading blogs. certain ones.

I thought of making a new one? but then to me orang yang create a new one ni diorang tak suka posts diorang yang dulu. well i suka, even though LAMEnya ya ampun. well, sekarang pun still lame. 
 So, bear it. I mean, EMBRACE it. 

We can't stop people from judging. Kalau nak tahu apa yang betul2, ask me personally. Mana tahu bernasib baik dapat tahu perkara betul2. I prefer to let people think what they want since it's their mind, but only certain people know the real thing. It's the magic of 'asking'
wtf am i blathering about?
cenggini, i wanted to create a new blog, but i figured that why not just continue with this old one.

i'm resetting, but i'm not deleting the history. 